Hesket Newmarket Community Shop

Our Auction of Goods and Promises, a night to remember!
01 Nov 2024
Saying thank you to everyone involved does not seem enough to cover the amazing efforts of the shop team, supporters, volunteers and the generosity of the community.
We had a tremendous evening at our Auction of Goods & Promises last night. Firstly, we do need to thank our ‘dream team’ of fundraisers Celia Stobart and Mike Townend who spearheaded the whole event. Celia had it very well organised and appeared very calm all evening!!
Thank you to those who worked so hard in the preparations for the night especially Pat and Ian Shaw for setting up the hall for us.
The kitchen team who assisted me in making some delicious snacks and seamlessly served them during the evening to a very appreciative crowd did a splendid job.
Thanks to Helen and Simon from the Old Crown for providing bar facilities.
Thank you to our teccy wizard Helena Davies who so skilfully collated and created the catalogue and power point presentation which was very efficiently run by Ryan Stobart.
Thank you to Diane Scott and Matthew Burbery who kept track of all the purchases with outstanding efficiency and accuracy you were key to the smooth running on the night.
To our amazing auctioneer for the night, David Bowman who made the evening very entertaining and was very persuasive and funny and managed to get his massive audience to dig deep in their purses and wallets. What a man, thank you!
And of course, we should thank all the individuals and businesses who donated items & promises without whom we would not have been able to raise the fantastic sum of over £11,400! Over 130 exciting and interesting auction lots were available from afternoon teas, a day at the races, crafting workshops, hampers, bottles of wine and port, artwork, meals out or meals in, logs, kindling, cakes and much more
We also want to thank everyone who came and bought the lots, your wonderful generosity on the night helped us raise a fantastic sum towards the Hesket Newmarket Community Shop Project. We did have a slight glitch on the evening with our card reader which went on the blink, but everyone was very accommodating and saved too many headaches for our bankers for the evening Simon Hewitt and
Michelle Boundy.
And not forgetting our birthday boy Martin Nicholson who gave up
his birthday dinner to help out at the event.
Just a huge thank you to everyone for such a lovely event which raised a super amount towards our shop total.
More news to follow soon …