
So far, we’ve had responses from over fifty people to our volunteer recruitment drive. If you are interested in lending a hand with anything once we’re up and  

running – serving in the shop, post office or tearoom, stock-taking, baking, deliveries, or anything else you can think of, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

Pat is a retired teacher and is heavily involved in many aspects of village life, frankly a lot of us do not know if she ever sleeps! She is involved with – amongst others! The WI, the Mothers Union, St Kentigern’s Church, the Flower Club, the Gardening Club, she is secretary to Hesket Newmarket
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Please enter the number of days per week or number of days per month you would be willing to volunteer in the shop.

Skills and experience

Do you have a preference for the type of voluntary work you would be happy to do? Please select your preference(s) below
Would you be willing to receive (free) training to enable you to serve in the Post Office?