We need your help to keep our shop and Post Office open!
Our well used and popular shop in Hesket Newmarket is facing changing times.

Our village shop and post office in Hesket Newmarket is in danger of closing due to the retirement of the current owner and subsequent sale of the premises.
In the present climate it is unlikely that anyone would buy it as a going concern, our dilemma being that this valuable asset would then be lost to the community.
There has been a shop and post office in the village for about 200 years, but if we don’t do something about it quickly, we risk it being lost to us forever!

Facts and figures
Our Business Plan sets out the funding requirements and financial projections for the next 5 years.

Public meetings
We have had 5 public meetings since the beginning of the project. Catch up with all of them here:
Meeting 1 (March), Meeting 2 (April), Meeting 3 (May), Meeting 4 (June), Meeting 5 (August), Meeting 6 (October), Meeting 7 (December)

Meet our community

Pat is a retired teacher and is heavily involved in many aspects of village life, frankly a lot of us do not know if she ever sleeps!

Diane has worked in the shop for over 27 years. She is Hesket’s very own font of all knowledge, and true friend to everyone.
As the saying goes ‘you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’.
We need your support to ensure this vital lifeline stays open and remains a service to both locals and tourists. All money raised via donations, shares and fundraising will go towards securing this vital community asset.

Together we can make it happen

Stay in touch

Stay in touch with us! For all the latest updates follow us on social or join our mailing list by getting in touch with us.